Here’s a snippet from an inspiring blog by Tom Clark about his recovery from a Torn Rotator Cuff. We see many people starting over with their handwriting tasks and recovering from difficult surgery is just one example:
Handwriting For Heroes presents a 6 week long series of work book pages similar to the ways we were taught in elementary school, but written and designed for adults. Through the lessons of loops and swirls, coloring and copying; the authors provide you with exercises that strengthen both the fine motor muscles as well as the hand eye coordination needed to write. Just like the McGuffey Readers of the old days the repetition is not idle, most of the sentences that you copy offer encouraging words to brighten your day and strengthen your resolve.
I faithfully went through the book from cover to cover, and I can say that the improvement in my hand skills was dramatic. I still write like a doctor, but less so than before my surgery.
I give the book my highest recommendation. It should be on the list of must haves for anyone going though something similar to my experience.
You can follow Thomas. M. Clark, DDS and his ongoing recovery on his Facebook page as well as his blog.