Revolutionary Workbook Teaches Writing With Non-Dominant Hand
Damage to the dominant hand need not limit one’s ability. “Handwriting for Heroes,” a new workbook that teaches people to write with their non-dominant hands, offers self-esteem, hope and a return to normalcy.
Ann Arbor, MI (PRWEB) February 23, 2009 — Loss of a dominant hand can be frustrating, but life can largely return to normal by following the advice and processes presented in Katie Yancosek and Kristin Gulick’s new workbook “Handwriting for Heroes: Learn to Write with Your Non-Dominant Hand in Six Weeks” (ISBN 9781932690699, Loving Healing Press, 2009).
A person’s ability to communicate, even his identity, is largely connected to the ability to write or even just sign his name. The loss of a dominant hand can be traumatic and depressing. Until recently, learning to write with the non-dominant hand could be frustrating, and it meant studying a children’s workbook. Now “Handwriting for Heroes” targets the adult who must “re-learn” the basics of handwriting, offering dignity in the process.
“Handwriting for Heroes” is a first-of-its-kind workbook designed for the adult who sustains an injury to the dominant hand that permanently impairs dexterity functions. Learning to write again can be a rewarding accomplishment along the road to recovery. By re-learning handwriting, doors thought closed will open again, hobbies can once more be enjoyed, and work can be completed efficiently. Adults will feel their self-esteem return and they will experience pride in having overcome adversity.
The instruction method of “Handwriting for Heroes” is based on motor learning principles and the dynamic process of skill acquisition. A daily practice schedule will take the reader through six full weeks of lessons and activities. After six weeks, the person will be proficient and can expect, by independently engaging in other handwriting tasks, to experience continued improvement over a longer timeframe. Whether it’s signing documents or making a grocery-list, “Handwriting for Heroes” helps adults retain their dignity and return confidently to their lives.
Occupational therapists praise the methods and exercises offered in “Handwriting for Heroes.” Stephanie E. Daugherty, MS, OTR/L, CHT, Army Lt. Col. (Ret.), states, “I used ‘Handwriting for Heroes’ with all of my patients; some had lost hand function from amputation, brachial plexus injuries, stroke, or extensive soft tissue trauma to the dominant hand. All of my patients benefited and enjoyed the workbook and how it helped them return to handwriting tasks.” Oren S. Ganz, MOT, OTR/L says, “This workbook is extremely practical and functional! It is an essential tool in hand dominance retraining for the upper limb amputee.” And Kristi A. Say, OTR/L declares, “‘Handwriting for Heroes’ is more than a workbook! It’s an investment into the future performance of my patients who need to return to occupations that demand handwriting. My patients enjoy the challenge and the success of the program!”
About the Authors:
Katie Yancosek is an officer in the Army Medical Specialist Corps. She graduated from Gannon University with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in occupational therapy and from Eastern Kentucky University with a Master’s of Science degree in occupational therapy. She is pursuing a Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Kentucky. She currently lives in Kentucky with her husband and two sons.
Kristin Gulick has been enjoying her practice as an Occupational Therapist for twenty-three years. She graduated from University of Puget Sound and began her practice working with children at Shriners Hospital in Portland, OR. Kristin’s career path led her to focus on rehabilitation of the upper extremity, and she became a certified hand therapist in 1996. Kristin serves as Director of Therapy Services at Advanced Arm Dynamics where she enjoys partnering with clients in rehabilitation who have upper limb loss.
“Handwriting for Heroes: Learn to Write with Your Non-Dominant Hand in Six Weeks” (ISBN 9781932690699, Loving Healing Press, 2009) can be purchased through local and online bookstores. For more information, visit Publicity contact: Review copies available upon request.